Re: Question on RDF standardisation and large language models

On 13.12.23 02:40, Sasaki, Felix wrote:

Hi Felix,

> My question to the co-chairs and to Pierre-Antoine is: would taking up 
> such a topic require
>  1. No changes to the charter
>  2. Re-charting
>  3. A new working group, to start after we are finished, i.e. after
>     August 2024 the earliest.

One of the ideas is to move to a living standard at some point, see:

We would be more agile that way. But to be clear, that's an idea, not a 

For extending SPARQL, there is activity in the SPARQL-Dev group:

A good start would be to create an issue there and link to the existing 
work, like AllegroGraph and maybe some PG vendors you mention.

I personally started using OpenSearch as vector database and at least in 
Fuseki, there was support for Elastic at some point. So my idea is to 
check if this can be resurrected and extended so that vector search is 
possible as well. I think it would be close to what most vendors do with 
Lucene based search, which is by the way also not standardized, see for 
example this issue:

If one or more contributors are serious about an issue, they can move to 

Some of them are implemented in some stores. Andy Seaborne and Thomas 
Tanon are active for example, among others.

But as usual it depends on how active and serious the community is about 
an issue, without at least one person taking care of it, nothing will 



Adrian Gschwend
CEO Zazuko GmbH, Biel, Switzerland

Phone +41 32 510 60 31

Received on Wednesday, 13 December 2023 04:21:14 UTC