Scheduling the RDF-star working group kick-off meeting

Hi everyone,

as you probably know, the RDF-star working group [1] was announced in 
the end of August [2]. Its mission is to extend a set of RDF and SPARQL 
related recommendations, with the ability to concisely represent and 
query statements about statements, based on the work done in the RDF-DEV 
community group [3].

Unfortunately, nothing much has happened since the group was announced, 
and the chairs an I sincerely apologize for that.

But thing are finally moving. If you are registered as a participant of 
the Working Group, or if you intend to be (it is still time to join 
[4]), please fill in this evento:

to find the best possible slot for our (virtual) kick-off meeting.





Received on Wednesday, 26 October 2022 10:49:18 UTC