Re: Biological Taxonomy Vocabulary 0.1

Toby Inkster wrote:
> Existing taxonomy vocabs tend to follow a theme of every species requiring
> a unique identifying URI. That approach is not very scalable and certainly
> not memorable. If you take a look at the FlyBase vocab, the RDF schema
> weighs in at over 3 MB - and that vocab only covers fruit flies! The vocab
> I've written does not require species to have a unique URI - as a result
> the entire spec (which includes a schema in RDFa) is 28 kB (or 50 kB if
> you include the 22 kB RDF/XML alternative schema as well).

Yeah, I got that... You could make a list of compatibilities (using 
sameAs) to most important ontologies to make them even more compatible.

I do have some further questions...

Plain text for divisions can lead to spell problems (not only caps) and 
the information won't be wrong, but also putting all species names in a 
list is not possible. How would you address that?

In Authority you state what I got as the citation. Will you link to any 
journal database or have a local citation list? Just saying "Linnaeus, 
1758" is not enough for most cases.


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Received on Friday, 9 May 2008 13:13:21 UTC