Re: Progress on the RDFa GRDDL transform

Great Fabien, Thanks,



On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 1:54 PM, Fabien Gandon
<> wrote:
> Hello,
>  A new version is online together with its profile:
>  It now passes all tests from 1 to 103 with the following exceptions
>  (feedback is welcome):
>  Tests 42, 43, 44 and 45
>  My understanding of the explanations and examples in section "
>  Using @src" and of rule 5 in section 5.5 is that the subject of the rel
>  should be the value of the @src
>  In other words I don't understand the SPARQL tests when I read these
>  sections of the specs
>  Tests 92, 94, 97-103: I don't know how to preserve the text formatting
>  in XSLT 1 and the namespace management facilities of XSLT do not permit
>  me to produce exactly the same XMLLiteral as requested by the SPARQL test.
>  IMHO the content is preserved as faithfully as possible by the current
>  transform and every hack I have tried to improve the output of
>  XMLLiteral introduced bugs or required text processing capabilities that
>  go beyond XSLT 1 (at least as far as I know).
>  Test 97: In the SPARQL I don't understand where the "#A" comes from
>  Test 98: The SPARQL is not well formed:
>  "PREFIX foaf:>."
>  Best regards,
>  --
>  Fabien -

Simone Onofri

Received on Friday, 28 March 2008 23:12:47 UTC