Progress on the RDFa GRDDL transform


A new version is online together with its profile:

It now passes all tests from 1 to 103 with the following exceptions 
(feedback is welcome):

Tests 42, 43, 44 and 45
My understanding of the explanations and examples in section " 
Using @src" and of rule 5 in section 5.5 is that the subject of the rel 
should be the value of the @src
In other words I don't understand the SPARQL tests when I read these 
sections of the specs

Tests 92, 94, 97-103: I don't know how to preserve the text formatting 
in XSLT 1 and the namespace management facilities of XSLT do not permit 
me to produce exactly the same XMLLiteral as requested by the SPARQL test.
IMHO the content is preserved as faithfully as possible by the current 
transform and every hack I have tried to improve the output of 
XMLLiteral introduced bugs or required text processing capabilities that 
go beyond XSLT 1 (at least as far as I know).

Test 97: In the SPARQL I don't understand where the "#A" comes from

Test 98: The SPARQL is not well formed:
"PREFIX foaf:>."

Best regards,

Fabien -

Received on Friday, 28 March 2008 12:54:51 UTC