Re: What is the correct set of triples for this case?

Mark, thanks for bearing with me. Your patience is commendable. :-)

>  Now, if the order of the inner elements was swapped, it would be different, right?
>    1  <e rel="rel:foo">
>    2    <g about="http://x"/>
>    3    <f property="prop:bar" content="x"/>
>    4  </e>
>  Would yield
>  <> rel:foo <http://x>
>  <http://x> prop:bar "x"
>  Right?

>No...exactly the same triples would be generated.
> [  <> rel:foo _:a .
>    _:a prop:bar "x" .
>    <> rel:foo<http://x> .
> ]

OK, but I still think the first generated triple would be 
<> rel:foo <http://x>

Tell me where I go off track. I added line numbers above.

1. Generates an incomplete forward triple with subject=<> and pred=rel:foo
2. Establishes a new subject, and thus completes the hanging triple
ergo <> rel:foo <http://x>
Right? Or wrong?

Thanks -m

Received on Thursday, 13 March 2008 06:57:46 UTC