Re: RDFa wiki

Ben Adida wrote:
> Hausenblas, Michael wrote:
>> Ben: Is 'RDFa Recipes' (under special projects) supposed to be the place
>> where my action 'RDFa for Users of Microformats' [1] should go?
> I didn't think of it that way, I thought about it more as a place where
> we could put a bunch of highly specific examples for various types of
> data. But I suspect Manu's got a more complete structure in his head, so
> feel free to remove/reposition/repurpose that link.

The "Tutorial" section would be where all of the recipes should go,
here's the reasoning:

While the word 'recipes' is well understood by technical types, the
community wiki needs to be accessible by the general public. The word
"Tutorial" is something that is more familiar to the general public than
"recipes" (although, I have no data to back up that claim).

The tutorial section should be broken down by Vocabulary - so a section
for FOAF, VEVENT, VCARD, DOAP, DOAC, etc. Each section would be broken
down into subsections containing (the simplest example, a common
example, a complex example, and then recipes).

Though, don't worry about putting something in the wrong place - that's
the great thing about a wiki... we can always re-organize it later on.

Right now, we need content - so if it's related to RDFa, slap it on the
wiki and we'll figure out where to put it later on.

-- manu

Manu Sporny
President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: RDFa Basics in 8 minutes (video)

Received on Wednesday, 12 March 2008 13:53:16 UTC