Re: ISSUE-89


Eagle eye: I think you are right...

There seems to be a small bug in the processing steps. Namely, I guess 
in the very last step of point 4, the [skip element] should be set to 
true _unless_ a @property element is present. If that is done, then the 
incomplete triples will be completed in div/div/span[1] and 
div/div/span[2]. Actually, the triples will be completed and added to 
the graph twice which is not a problem, because RDF is defined as a 
_set_ of triples.

Mark, Ben, Manu, is that correct? Or do I miss something?

I believe this is really an editorial issue, though it is on the 
borderline of technical. The intention is that, in 'human' terms, if an 
element does not include any of the RFDa attributes (well, the @content 
and @datatype are put aside here) then everything should simply 'flow' 
through. AFAIK, all implementations do that. It was raised in the 
discussion several times that one way of documenting this in the 
processing steps is to define a separate clause in the processing steps 
for this alternative and get it over with, so to say; but then it was 
decided that this alternative would be incorporated into the main flow. 
And that is where the it went wrong, at least I believe...



Johannes Koch wrote:
> Johannes Koch schrieb:
>> But maybe I missed something again.
> Given the example
> <div about=""
>     rel="dbp:influenced">
>   <div>
>     <span property="foaf:name">Albert Einstein</span>
>     <span property="dbp:dateOfBirth"
>       datatype="xsd:date">1879-03-14</span>
>   </div>
> </div>
> the following is what I read from the algorithm specified in section 5.5.
> 1. "/:div":
> [evaluation context]:
>   [list of incomplete triples]: empty
> [recurse] (step 1): 'true'
> [skip element] (step 1): 'false'
> [new subject] (step 5): <>
> [current object resource] (step 8): _:a
> [local list of incomplete triples] (step 8):
>   * <> dbp:influenced ? .
> 2. "/:div/:div":
> [evaluation context]:
>   [parent subject]: <>
>   [parent object]: _:a
>   [list of incomplete triples]:
>     * <> dbp:influenced ? .
> [recurse] (step 1): 'true'
> [skip element] (step 4): 'true'
> [new subject] (step 4): _:a
> [current object resource] (step 1): null
> [local list of incomplete triples] (step 1): null
> 3. "/:div/:div/:span[1]":
> [evaluation context]:
>   [parent subject]: <>
>   [parent object]: _:a
>   [list of incomplete triples]:
>     * <> dbp:influenced ? .
> [recurse] (step 1): 'true'
> [skip element] (step 4): 'true'
> [new subject] (step 4): _:a
> [current object resource] (step 1): null
> [local list of incomplete triples] (step 1): null
> [current object literal] (step 9): "Albert Einstein"
> ----> create _:a foaf:name "Albert Einstein" .
> As [skip element] is 'true'
>  -> incomplete triples in [evaluation context] not completed (skip 11)
> return 'true' (step 12)
> 4. "/:div/:div/:span[2]":
> [evaluation context]:
>   [parent subject]: <>
>   [parent object]: _:a
>   [list of incomplete triples]:
>     * <> dbp:influenced ? .
> [recurse] (step 1): 'true'
> [skip element] (step 4): 'true'
> [new subject] (step 4): _:a
> [current object resource] (step 1): null
> [local list of incomplete triples] (step 1): null
> [current object literal] (step 9): "1879-03-14"^^xsd:date
> ----> create _:a dbp:dateOfBirth "1879-03-14"^^xsd:date .
> As [skip element] is 'true'
>  -> incomplete triples in [evaluation context] not completed (skip 11)
> return true (step 12)
> 5. "/:div/:div":
> As [skip element] is 'true'
>  -> incomplete triples in [evaluation context] not completed (skip 11)
> return 'true' (step 12)
> 6. "/:div":
> [skip element] is 'false', 'true' returned from processing 
> "/:html/:body/:div/:div", but no incomplete triples in [evaluation context]
> return 'true' (step 12)
> The incomplete triple
>   <> dbp:influenced ? .
> is never completed.


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
PGP Key:

Received on Tuesday, 4 March 2008 12:35:25 UTC