Re: [RDFa] ISSUE-9: META and LINK in the body

I vote for _not_ having meta and link in the body. In general, I would
like to avoid changing anything in the HTML content model as is defined


Ben Adida wrote:
> Hi all,
> ISSUE-9 was initially about nested META and LINK, but I'll use common
> sense here and extend this issue to include the crux of what we're
> thinking about right now, which is to kill LINK and META in the body
> altogether, at least in XHTML1.1+RDFa.
> I'm tempted to agree with Mark that LINK and META should no longer
> appear in the body. That said, to play devil's advocate for a second, I
> note that LINK and META do *not* get repositioned in the DOM when the
> doc is served as application/xhtml+xml. I want to make sure we have all
> data points in mind before we strike those from the spec.
> In particular, I want to point out that *if* we do this, then we're
> almost certainly forced to either have @href everywhere or @resource
> everywhere to reenable the expression of certain triples, since
> effectively we'll now want to place the @href/@resource on the parent
> element of where the LINK used to be. We'll also have to consider what
> to do to make it easier to do the following:
> =====
> <p>
> <meta property="foaf:name">Mark Birbeck</meta>
> ...
> </p>
> =====
> Maybe we think it's unlikely that the above will occur as is, that the P
> has to be related to the rest of the page, so it will likely be:
> =====
> <p rel="dc:creator">
> <span property="foaf:name">Mark Birbeck</span>
> ...
> </p>
> =====
> where the @rel automatically stripes and sets a bnode subject.
> I just want to put these issues out there so we're all thinking
> carefully about the consequences of our actions as we speed towards
> finalizing our spec!
> -Ben


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
PGP Key:

Received on Thursday, 5 July 2007 07:38:55 UTC