Re: [RDFa] The CLASS attribute

But Microformats had no choice, since their aim was to use only what was  
in XHTML already. This is why they use class, and why they misuse @title  
where we use @content.

Just because Microformats does it is not a reason in itself to copy it.  
And furthermore, if we use something else there is more chance that RDFa  
and microformats can coexist in a single document.


On Wed, 14 Feb 2007 14:39:16 +0100, Ben Adida <> wrote:

> Ivan Herman wrote:
>> +1
>> Steven Pemberton wrote:
>>> I want to reraise my position: leave class alone, and use something new
>>> for what we want. I still have the feeling that @role can do the job.
> There is a *huge* lost opportunity if we do this, which is that we don't
> show a natural progression from microformats to RDFa. Microformats
> already use the CLASS attribute for this kind of thing, and it's a well
> accepted practice. New attributes should be used sparingly.
> -Ben

Received on Wednesday, 14 February 2007 14:00:31 UTC