
Birte Glimm: Do we really want to do this counting / non-counting operator distinction *and* to do DISTINCT 
... in 2 section on operators and DISTINCT it is not clear if these are alternatives to each other or complementary 

Andy Seaborne: * and + counting/non-counting versions (agreement on this)
... if we go with DISTINCT, we wouldn't need these operators. Useful to distinguish between applicable algorithms to use and syntax clarification 

Birte Glimm: going for both?

Andy Seaborne: yes, so far


Just my two cents to emphasize that I tend to agree on that: I believe we need DISTINCT() to address JC-4 and related comments in a fashion agreeable to the commenters.

Small typo comment on the current editor's draft version, just as I stumbled over it:

There are counting ({*}, {+}) and non-counting ({*}, {+}) forms of
operators for arbitrary length paths. 
There are counting ({*}, {+}) and non-counting (*, +) forms of
operators for arbitrary length paths. 


Dr. Axel Polleres 
Siemens AG Österreich 
Corporate Technology Central Eastern Europe Research & Technologies 
Tel.: +43 (0) 51707-36983 
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Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2012 09:49:26 UTC