Re: Entailment Doc ready for review

Before writing my review on entailment, I have a question on this point:

section 2.4 Boolean Queries (Informative)

The two conditions C1 and C2 also have an effect on the answers to 
Boolean queries. For Boolean queries that contain variables, e.g.,

ASK { ?x a rdf:Property }

The query answer is yes (true) if there is at least one solution mapping 
(i.e., a solution that satisfies also conditions C1 and C2) and it is no 
(false) otherwise. For example, if the queried graph is the empty graph, 
the query has no solution since even if a pattern instance mapping 
yields an axiomatic triple, condition C2 cannot be satisfied.

My question is why condition C2 cannot be satisfied ?



Received on Thursday, 16 September 2010 06:01:58 UTC