Re: sparql 1.1 yacker updated

* Eric Prud'hommeaux <> [2010-04-15 18:26-0400]
> contains
> as of RIGHT NOW! no, NOW.†
> † modulo added quotes around GROUP_CONCAT, SAMPLE, IN, NOT_IN
> the yacker-generated labels were too long for perl's pretty-
> little head so i told it to create terse labels.

i pulled the outer ()s off [104] Aggregate:
[0] Aggregate ::=   'COUNT' '(' 'DISTINCT'? ( '*' | Expression ) ')'
                  | 'SUM' '(' 'DISTINCT'? Expression ')' ')'
                  | 'MIN' '(' 'DISTINCT'? Expression ')' ')'
                  | 'MAX' '(' 'DISTINCT'? Expression ')' ')'
                  | 'AVG' '(' 'DISTINCT'? Expression ')' ')'
                  | 'GROUP_CONCAT' ParamList? '(' 'DISTINCT'? ArgList ')'
                  | 'SAMPLE' '(' 'DISTINCT'? Expression ')'

still needs terse lables; the yacc generator fails to notice that
the top is a disjunction and that it doesn't need an intermediate
production. i'm confident that i won't deal with this in the next

> -- 
> -ericP


Received on Saturday, 17 April 2010 12:12:16 UTC