Re: Options on SPARQL endpoint descriptions...

Greg Williams wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 11:01:00PM +0100, Axel Polleres said:
>> If we rule out Option 5 entirely, we have no defined way of querying the 
>> service description directly over the very SPARQL endpoint, do we want 
>> that? I feel somehow this could be useful, but don't really have a 
>> strong opinion about it either. We could recommend some variant of 
>> Option 5 on top of one of the others informally and simply not enforce 
>> everybody to support it?
> Doesn't option 7 (conneg) give you this for free? By using the service
> URI in a FROM clause, the service description RDF could be pulled in by
> the endpoint (assuming it didn't keep it loaded) and be queried.

Only for stores that dereference HTTP URIs that are part of a query's 
dataset. Some don't (or aren't always configured to), instead treating 
graph URIs simply as identifiers within a quad store.


Received on Thursday, 13 August 2009 02:25:35 UTC