Re: Final text for Basic Graph Patterns (rdfSemantics)

On 17 Jan 2006, at 02:37, Dan Connolly wrote:
>>  and many of the tweaks and variations being proposed for  
>> "clarity" have fall down. Hard. There are a *lot* of complex and  
>> subtle issues. We should go with what *works*.
> I haven't managed to study these definitions carefully...
> Are they intended to specify the same design as the LC draft, as  
> far as can bee seen from tests?
> If there are any substantive changes, I'd like to see test case  
> sketches that characterize them.
> But I gather that no substantive changes are proposed in the 14 Jan  
> text.
>>> or that the DAWG does not conclude the work on the 31st of  
>>> January and we'll have a F2F during the W3C tech plenary in  
>>> France at the end of February.
>>> We recall that our text provides the use of entailment, the  
>>> correspondence with the subgraph matching based implementations,  
>>> and uniqueness of solutions for interoperability;
> That seems to confirm that this design looks the same, from the  
> perspective of tests.


>> It would be nice to settle this as it would be nice to make some  
>> progress on the algebra.
> "progress on the algebra"? so there's more to do to close the  
> rdfSemantics issue?

I want to be sure that the way the text is formulated currently is  
consistent with the new proposed "semantics-based" text.


Received on Tuesday, 17 January 2006 08:28:03 UTC