Re: Wrong prefix in example in Section 9.3?

Thompson, Bryan B. wrote:
> Hello,
> The example in 9.3 currently uses a URN (vs a URL) to specify the FROM
> graphs (data:graph1, data:graph2).  This seems like an error.
> PREFIX data: <urn:x-local:>
> PREFIX foaf: <>
> Prefix dc: <>
> SELECT ?name ?mbox ?date
> WITH   data:details
> FROM   data:graph1  data:graph2
>     ( ?g dc:publisher ?name)
>     ( ?g dc:date ?date )
>     GRAPH ?g 
>     {
>       ( ?person foaf:name ?name )
>       ( ?person foaf:mbox ?mbox )
>     }
> Thanks,
> -bryan


It was intentional - the idea is to stress that they are local, internal 
identifiers allocated when the same URL is read at two different times (rsulting 
is two different graphs - the graph is changing).  I guess that http://localhost 
(not good in my opinion- not unique) or urn:uuid: could also be used to emphasis 
this point or

The working group resolved to remove WITH and FROM (i.e. the whole of section 9) 
at the face-to-face meeting to avoid overlap with the protocol.

 Thanks for noting it,

Received on Tuesday, 15 March 2005 16:04:59 UTC