Re: protocol doc changed...

Kendall Clark wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 01:21:38PM +0000, Seaborne, Andy wrote:
>>>- linked to (eventually normative appendixed) WSDL 2.0 instance
>>I'm getting 403 from 
>>which is linked in section 2.
> Yeah, this sucks. I don't know how to fix the permissions. Hoping
> someone just makes it work soon. :>
>>>- added interface for "graph maintenance" operations: dropGraph & 
>>"maintenance" suggests to me a data management function (maintenance of the 
>>server and the deployment), not an client application function ability.
> Is this an objection to the name primarily? I'm not wedded to the
> name. Making new remote graphs and deleting existing ones (or, in the
> weaker sense, 'marking' them as no longer able to participate in the
> "RDF dataset") seems like "graph maintenance", but I can drop that
> term if it confuses.

It's the confusion mainly.  I hadn't read it as RDF dataset manipulation at all. 
    I'm now unclear as to what state the server is managing.

Manipulating a dataset seems to be more for a distributed application (designed 
together) or for the publisher than making information available on the web but 
I'll wait until I have a better picture of what's going on before commenting.


> Kendall

Received on Tuesday, 15 March 2005 13:38:58 UTC