Re: test cases for fromUnionQuery, please

On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 11:58:24AM +0100, Steve Harris wrote:

> That means that it requires two roundtrips to issue a query to a service
> that is known only by its service URI.

It also makes for lumpy (i.e., inconsistent) semantics, since FROM
<service-provider-uri> doesn't mean the same thing as FROM
<any-other-graph-uri>; or, if it does mean the same thing, it's an
unnecessary constraint on the service provider, which is now required to
publish the triples it wants every query to be executed against (in addition
to any other ones the requester specifies) at some URI.

> It seems reasonble to me that the default behaviour should be to trust
> whatever the service trusts, overridable by specifying given graphs. After
> all, the client is passing the request to a specific service to answer. 

Hmm, I think talk of "trust" is misleading. But, otherwise, I agree. That
is, using my earlier example, I don't trust myself, I simply believe that p,
and I want p to be one of the claims that is in the background when I answer
queries. Other, *pure* query answering services may not have any background
beliefs, which is fine.


Received on Thursday, 2 June 2005 12:04:29 UTC