Re: test cases for fromUnionQuery, please

On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 07:46:44PM +0900, Yoshio FUKUSHIGE wrote:
> >Well, sure, of course  it can do that. But that's not the problem. I 
> >oppose
> >any design that does not allow a service provider to add triples to the
> >default (or "background") graph.
> How about rejecting all queries wihtout FROM <http://your-end-point-uri/>?
> i.e. by saying, "If you want to ask me, you should trust my nice dataset"
> It's totally a service design and upto a service provider.
> (and it should be written in the service advertisement...)

That means that it requires two roundtrips to issue a query to a service
that is known only by its service URI.

It seems reasonble to me that the default behaviour should be to trust
whatever the service trusts, overridable by specifying given graphs. After
all, the client is passing the request to a specific service to answer. 

- Steve

Received on Thursday, 2 June 2005 10:58:32 UTC