CONSTRUCT: allow *?


I am just in the process of writing many describe queries, where I
basically want to select certain subgraphs of the graph,
but do not necessarily construct something new.

PREFIX rdf:  <>
PREFIX rdfs:    <>
PREFIX org:     <>
PREFIX retrieve: <>
org:containsMember ?m. ?m rdfs:label ?labelm. ?m rdf:type ?typem.
org:containsMember ?m. ?m rdfs:label ?labelm. ?m rdf:type ?typem.

so what I do, Is that I basically include all triples that were needed
to evaluate the binding.
In Jena, there used to be a method to get all the triples that were used
to determine a RDQL query, perhaps this would also work:
PREFIX rdf:  <>
CONSTRUCT    *   WHERE      {
org:containsMember ?m. ?m rdfs:label ?labelm. ?m rdf:type ?typem.

In the current spec, this is intended for SELECT:
<>+ | '*' )|

but not for describe.

Additionally, to construct more, it may be nice to have:
PREFIX rdf:  <>
CONSTRUCT    *, {?m blah:blub 'Hello World' }
WHERE      {
org:containsMember ?m. ?m rdfs:label ?labelm. ?m rdf:type ?typem.

did anybody else stumble accross these implementation problem yet?


Received on Wednesday, 16 November 2005 20:17:33 UTC