Re: Testcase comment and question

Geoff writes:
> I realize the whole question assumes an acceptance of the logical
> interpretation of OPTIONAL. Whether or not the working group considers that
> to be valid, I think this test case clearly illustrates the need for some
> formal definition of the semantics of OPTIONAL (i.e. I don't think you can
> use test cases alone to define the behavior).

Both the current editor's draft and the latest public working
draft give this formal specification:

Definition: Optional Matching

Given graph pattern GP1, and graph pattern GP2, let GP = (GP1 union

The optional match of GP2 of graph G, given GP1, defines a pattern
solution PS such that:

If GP matches G, then the solutions of GP is the patterns solutions of
GP else the solutions are the pattern solutions of GP1 matching G.

This design was confirmed by WG decision
after explicitly considering the design where
"A optional B" is interpreted as "A & (B v True)" and finding
that it returns unhelpful solutions.

I'll continue to study the test case that you write about, but
meanwhile, I just wanted to bring to your attention the current
formal definition.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Tuesday, 29 March 2005 17:01:31 UTC