[Bug 11609] [XQuery] error for mismatched tags
[Bug 13674] [XQ30] schema-element() types behave differently in different modules.
[Bug 13674] [XQ30] schema-element() types behave differently in different modules.
[Bug 14342] New: [QT3] functx-fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-all
[Bug 14341] New: [QT3] combined-errors-1 missing files
[Bug 14340] New: [QT3] K2-DirectConElem-15
[Bug 13674] [XQ30] schema-element() types behave differently in different modules.
[Bug 13674] [XQ30] schema-element() types behave differently in different modules.
[Bug 13674] [XQ30] schema-element() types behave differently in different modules.
[Bug 13674] [XQ30] schema-element() types behave differently in different modules.
[Bug 14330] New: [XQuery30] technical: 3.1.6 Literal Function Items: static context
[Bug 13796] [XQuery30] \u escaped characters in grammar applets
[Bug 14328] New: [QT3] \u escape sequences
[Bug 14325] New: Double "the"
[Bug 13674] [XQ30] schema-element() types behave differently in different modules.
[Bug 14308] New: [QT3] qischema008
[Bug 14280] New: [QT3] functx-fn-data-5
[Bug 14279] New: [QT3] relative paths in test cases
[Bug 14278] New: [QT3] extraneous quotes in path009
[Bug 14274] New: [QT3] math prefix no longer predeclared
[Bug 14268] New: [QT3] K2-Literals-39
[Bug 14267] New: [QT3] validateexpr-26, qischema90131-err, qischema90151-err, qischema90612-err
[Bug 14266] New: QT3] emptydoc.xml missing
[Bug 14265] New: QT3: K2-RoundFunc-5
[Bug 14264] New: generalexpression98
[Bug 14239] New: Function signatures vs. "Function signatures" static context component
[Bug 12109] [FT] StopWord Option
[Bug 14237] New: [XPath30] editorial: 3.2.2: "PrimaryExpr"
[Bug 14236] New: [XPath30] editorial: 3.1.7: "function declaration"
[Bug 13399] [XP 3.0] Constraints on Unions in SequenceType
[Bug 14227] New: Full Text language option should address synonymy
[Bug 13688] [Ser30] Incorrect regexp for output:encoding in xslt-xquery-serialization.xsd
[Bug 13399] [XP 3.0] Constraints on Unions in SequenceType
[Bug 11986] [XQuery] XQST0022 description inconsistent
[Bug 10065] [XPath] Rules for matching substitution groups differ from those in formal semantics
[Bug 11609] [XQuery] error for mismatched tags
[Bug 13013] [XQuery30] grammar applets
[Bug 14185] New: fn:collection/fn:doc FODC0002
[Bug 14152] New: A enumerator function
[Bug 12599] [XPath30] Miscellaneous minor editorial issues in latest XPath 3.0 draft
[Bug 13494] Node uniqueness returned from XSLT function.
[Bug 13399] [XP 3.0] Constraints on Unions in SequenceType
[Bug 13747] [XPath 3.0] Determinism of expressions returning constructed nodes
[Bug 13303] [XPath30] editorial: "in scope"
[Bug 14113] New: °¡
[Bug 12599] [XPath30] Miscellaneous minor editorial issues in latest XPath 3.0 draft
[Bug 12981] [XQuery30] Typo in the err:XQDY0096 description
[Bug 13860] [XQuery 3.0] tuples in the binding sequence
[Bug 13493] Initial clause in a FLWOR expression
[Bug 13303] [XPath30] editorial: "in scope"
[Bug 13492] Values of variables
[Bug 13492] Values of variables
[Bug 13149] [XPath30] Items 21 and 22 in Appendix J.1 "substantive changes" apply to XQuery only
[Bug 12649] [XQuery30] Namespace constructors: ordering of rules (editorial)
[Bug 10881] [XQuery30] Editorial Built in function annotations
[Bug 10864] [XQuery30] Wrong description of function annotation prefixes in section 4.15
[Bug 10859] [XQuery30] Editorial: Decimal Format Declaration missing an example
[Bug 10724] [XPath30] Editorial: Examples for inline function closures
[Bug 10065] [XPath] Rules for matching substitution groups differ from those in formal semantics
[Bug 13837] Missing annotation part in the desctiption of err:XQST0045
[Bug 13702] [XQuery 3.0] Scope of variables in FLWOR expressions
[Bug 13680] [XQuery 3.0] Duplicate variable names in window clause
[Bug 13506] XQDY0095
[Bug 13491] Variables in group-by clauses
[Bug 13674] [XQ30] schema-element() types behave differently in different modules.
[Bug 13745] [XQuery 3.0] "deterministic" and "nondeterministic"
[Bug 13745] [XQuery 3.0] "deterministic" and "nondeterministic"
[Bug 10948] [XPath30] editorial: 2.1.1 Static Context: statically known decimal formats
[Bug 11609] [XQuery] error for mismatched tags
[Bug 14045] New: [XQueryX30] section 1: schema and stylesheet URLs
- [Bug 14045] [XQueryX30] section 1: schema and stylesheet URLs
- [Bug 14045] [XQueryX30] section 1: schema and stylesheet URLs