from July 2007 by subject

[Bug 3069] [XSLT 2.0] XTDE0485

[Bug 3670] [FS] Missing op:anyURI-equal(A, B)

[Bug 4446] [XQuery] 2.3.4 Equivalent expressions

[Bug 4463] [XQuery] Missing rules for misuse of the xmlns namespace

[Bug 4519] [XDM] Definition of is-id property

[Bug 4523] [XQuery] Default Unprefixed Namespace Handling is Problematic

[Bug 4540] [UPD] Section 2.4.5 Transform: simplifying syntax

[Bug 4542] [UPD] Section 2.6.1 fn:put: Remove it

[Bug 4546] [XSLT] testing for namespace axis support

[Bug 4595] 1.0.3dev: document(*) with undefined context item

[Bug 4604] 1.0.3dev: K2-LetExprWithout-20

[Bug 4610] K2-ReplaceFunc-3

[Bug 4611] [UPD] Better error specification for updating function with declared return type

[Bug 4621] [FO] rounding for duration *|div number

[Bug 4622] [XSLT 2.0] unparsed-entity-uri - absolute or relative?

[Bug 4624] Serialization problem in K2-ancestor-or-selfAxis-5

[Bug 4634] [FO] poorly formed back-references

[Bug 4641] [Ser] Document nodes should be replaced earlier

[Bug 4667] [Full text LC draft sec. 2.1] Status of text (nodes)

[Bug 4669] [Full text LC draft sec. 3.3.4] Interoperability of thesaurus option

[Bug 4670] [Full text LC draft sec. 3.3.4] Examples for ISO 2788 thesaurus relationships

[Bug 4671] [Full text LC draft sec. 3.3.6] Why wild card options, not regular expressions?

[Bug 4696] [XSLT 2.0] type-available() in use-when

[Bug 4757] 1.0.3dev:K2-Axes-53

[Bug 4761] 1.0.3dev:K2-ComputeConAttr-55

[Bug 4763] 1.0.3dev: K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-12

[Bug 4778] [XQTS] K-Function-Prolog-48 (XQueryX)

[Bug 4779] [XQTS] XQueryX versions of some queries not consistent with XQuery versions

[Bug 4829] Attribute normalization in K2-DirectConOther-49

[Bug 4830] Errors for unused order by in K2-OrderbyExprWithout-8,9

[Bug 4841] [F&O] [FS] Definition of fn:subsequence in relation to normalization rules for filter expressions in FS

[Bug 4841] [FS] Use of fn:subsequence in relation to normalization rules for filter expressions in FS

[Bug 4842] [XQTS] Rounding of arguments to fn:subsequence not adequately tested

[Bug 4842] rounding of arguments to fn:subsequence not adequately tested

[Bug 4843] [XSLT 2.0] Current mode is underspecified

[Bug 4844] [FO] random() function

[Bug 4845] Do we need an error for "]]>" in replacement text?

[Bug 4849] [XSLT 2.0] Doubled comma in 13.1.2

[Bug 4855] [XPath] Undocumented incompatibility

[Bug 4856] [F&O] arithmetic on durations

[Bug 4860] Errors in recently added tests

[Bug 4863] [XQTS] Expected result of extvardeclwithtype-23 (CVS version)

[Bug 4864] 1.0.3dev: K2-CopyNamespacesProlog-1

[Bug 4868] XPath abbreviations for / and // syntactically incorrect

[Bug 4869] [FS] Enclosed expressions and namespaces

[Bug 4873] What errors are caught by Castable As?

[Bug 4874] [F&O] Casting NOTATION to String

[Bug 4878] [XSLT 2.0] Misclassified error condition XTTE0950

[Bug 4890] 4.3.2 Filter Expressions - Normalization for standalone PrimaryExpr needed?

[Bug 4898] [FS] 8.5.1 Type promotion

[Bug 4901] [F&O] Casting between QName and NOTATION

Random ordering

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 July 2007 20:55:34 UTC