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public-qa-dev@w3.org from October 2005
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19 messages
Friday, 7 October 2005 03:23:56 UTC,
Monday, 31 October 2005 20:38:03 UTC
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WSDL for W3C Validators
Karl Dubost
(Monday, 31 October)
CSS validator's soap output should give uri context for each message
olivier Thereaux
(Monday, 31 October)
olivier Thereaux
(Friday, 28 October)
Re: Encode::Detect
Ville Skyttä
(Sunday, 30 October)
Checklink AJAX hack
Ville Skyttä
(Wednesday, 26 October)
Re: Checklink AJAX hack
olivier Thereaux
(Thursday, 27 October)
Re: Checklink AJAX hack
Ville Skyttä
(Thursday, 27 October)
Re: Making Linkchecker working parallel
olivier Thereaux
(Tuesday, 25 October)
Re: Making Linkchecker working parallel
olivier Thereaux
(Thursday, 27 October)
using sax filters within the markup validator
olivier Thereaux
(Monday, 24 October)
Re: using sax filters within the markup validator
Nick Kew
(Monday, 24 October)
Re: using sax filters within the markup validator
olivier Thereaux
(Tuesday, 25 October)
Re: using sax filters within the markup validator
Bjoern Hoehrmann
(Monday, 24 October)
[checklink] outsource links extraction?
olivier Thereaux
(Sunday, 23 October)
Re: [checklink] outsource links extraction?
Ville Skyttä
(Monday, 24 October)
Merging of 0.7.1 and HEAD done (Was: check with SGML::Parser::OpenSP (and branches))
olivier Thereaux
(Thursday, 20 October)
Re: [wmvs] schedule for releasing 0.7.1 (and 0.8)
olivier Thereaux
(Friday, 7 October)
Re: [wmvs] schedule for releasing 0.7.1 (and 0.8)
Ville Skyttä
(Saturday, 8 October)
Re: [wmvs] schedule for releasing 0.7.1 (and 0.8)
olivier Thereaux
(Wednesday, 12 October)
Last message date
: Monday, 31 October 2005 20:38:03 UTC