Re: ISO SC 34/JWG 7, new work item for digital publications?

Unlike IDPF, W3C can use the PAS procedure for creating
an ISO/IEC standard, if my understanding is correct.  This
is a *big* change.  It has impacts on the maintenance process
as well.  We should carefully study what has been agreed
between W3C and ISO/IEC about the PAS procedure.


2021年5月7日(金) 3:29 Ivan Herman <>:

> Laurent,
> >
> > I suppose EPUB 3.3 will be proposed as an ISO standard when it is
> finalized. Is it the case?
> I don't think there is any decision or commitment on this.
> Ivan
> > By curiosity, is there any other *new* work item planned for ISO
> standardization?
> >
> > Best regards
> > Laurent
> >

村田 真

Received on Thursday, 6 May 2021 19:46:55 UTC