Re: PROV-ISSUE-617: Why are some prov-constraint inferences in prov-o, but not others? [Ontology]


I'd appreciate some feedback on this issue.

Is the response complete and reasonable enough?


On Jan 24, 2013, at 1:08 PM, Timothy Lebo <> wrote:

> prov-wg,
> I've prepared a response to the question about why some prov-constraints were encoded in prov-o, and some were not.
> Please review and verify that my reasoning is correct.
> Also, if any of you logicians find my use of the term "Rule" inappropriate, please suggest a more satisfactory phrasing.
> Regards,
> Tim
> On Jan 24, 2013, at 11:23 AM, Provenance Working Group Issue Tracker <> wrote:
>> PROV-ISSUE-617: Why are some prov-constraint inferences in prov-o, but not others? [Ontology]
>> Raised by: Timothy Lebo
>> On product: Ontology
>> an extension of ISSUE-611 lingers in
>> Our comment was not regarding encoding of the constraints in OWL
>> (which is not possible to do completely anyway) but about encoding the
>> inferences in OWL. Right now, it looks like some of the inferences
>> from PROV Constraints document is included in PROV-O. Specifically,
>> Inference 15 (influence-inference) [1] and Inference 20
>> (specialization-alternate-inference) [2] are included in PROV-O as
>> subPropertyOf axioms. But other inferences defined in this document
>> are not included in PROV-O which is a little confusing. For example,
>> Inference 12 (revision-is-alternate-inference) [3] suggests another
>> subPropertyOf relation (wasRevisionOf subPropertyOf alternateOf) but
>> this is not in PROV-O. If the WG chooses to encode some of the
>> inferences in PROV-O but not others, we would like to understand the
>> rationale behind this decision.

Received on Monday, 28 January 2013 15:00:27 UTC