Re: provenance links for proposed recommendations

On 02/22/2013 10:03 AM, Ivan Herman wrote:
> On Feb 21, 2013, at 16:28 , Curt Tilmes <> wrote:
>> We can "do the right thing" whether you ask for
>> "application/provenance+xml" or "application/rdf+xml"
> Absolutely. That is what will happen when things are being set up,
> it is only a matter of adding a few lines to the .var files.
> The question arises, though: what should be the answer to
> application/xml? RDF/XML? Prov-XML? Nothing?

Good question.

If you explicitly accept application/provenance+xml (or the URL
explicitly includes ".provx"?) you get PROV-XML,

and if you accept application/rdf+xml you get PROV-O in XML,

But if you only accept application/xml perhaps you should get an HTTP
status 300 "Multiple Choices" with links to both? Or a 406 Not

What happens if you

Accept: application/xml, application/provenance+xml,


Give the PROV-XML?

Is there any good prior art for handling this sort of thing?


Received on Friday, 22 February 2013 15:38:21 UTC