Re: provenance of prov documents

Hi Luc,

thanks for creating this record, and in the process, creating a nice
example of PROV-Dictionary!
I've checked the provenance for prov-dictionary, and it looks good. (Easy
check with only 2 revisions :) )

Do we want to extract the separate provenance for each document or keep it
in 1 big file? If the latter, which URL will we be using? (So I can include
it in the staged Note)


2013/4/9 Luc Moreau <>

> Editors, all,
> Ahead of Thursday's teleconference, I wanted to invite you to review a
> file that I produced describing
> the provenance of our documents. I am proposing to use this as the
> provenance for prov-dm/n/constraints.
> Other editors may want to use it for their own document.
> Could you look at the document and check that descriptions are correct. In
> particular,
> authorship/revisions/etc need to be checked.
> As an author, you may want to check that you are acknowledged too.
> 11#Provenance_of_documents<>
> Obviously, much more can be included (minutes, decisions, etc), but I will
> let someone else to
> write it ;-)
> Once we are happy with the file, some hand-crafting of the rdf, and
> probably xml will be required.
> Cheers,
> Luc
> PS. I am also making use of prov-dictionary and prov-dc here.
> --
> Professor Luc Moreau
> Electronics and Computer Science   tel:   +44 23 8059 4487
> University of Southampton          fax:   +44 23 8059 2865
> Southampton SO17 1BJ               email:
> United Kingdom           **lavm<>

Received on Monday, 22 April 2013 09:28:16 UTC