Re: Dagstuhl acknowledgement

Hi James,
I just added it to the DC-Note.

2013/4/12 James Cheney <>

> Hi,
> I have added a line to the PROV-SEM acknowledgements concerning the
> Dagstuhl seminar on provenance which many of us attended last year, since I
> know they generally appreciate such recognition and I think the event
> definitely was helpful for PROV-SEM.
> I seem to recall this was also the case for PROV-DC (since Daniel and Kai
> did some work on the Dublin Core mapping there)  and it may have been
> helpful for other efforts.  If you attended the event (or other events
> there), and are currently finalizing a document that may have benefited
> from the event, please consider whether to put a similar acknowledgement in
> your document.
> --James
> --
> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Received on Tuesday, 16 April 2013 22:55:08 UTC