RE: Primer staged ready for review

Hi Paul,

We have adopted all changes you suggested for the primer.

thanks for the review,

Dr Simon Miles
Senior Lecturer, Department of Informatics
Kings College London, WC2R 2LS, UK
+44 (0)20 7848 1166

Modelling the Provenance of Data in Autonomous Systems:
From: [] on behalf of Paul Groth []
Sent: 03 April 2013 15:40
To: Miles, Simon
Subject: Re: Primer staged ready for review

Hi Simona and Yolanda,

Here are my comments on the Primer.

Overall, this is a really great document and I'm happy for it to be the final primer. I especially like the example and how it fits together in the very end. Some detailed comments are below.




- We need to be more specific about what the Primer is for. I would say "PROV Data Model for provenance interchange on the web" and not "PROV specification".

- "PROV is a core data model" change to "PROV defines a core data model"

- Again watch out for PROV specification
- Third sentence, I would remove "proposed"
- In the "agent-centered provenance" bullet point can you replace "entities" with something else like people/organzations ?
- Do you want references to FOAF and Dublin core in the paragraph under the bullet points

Section 2.9
- remove ", as below"

Section 3.1
- do you want to put a pointer in the last paragraph to the graphical conventions on the wiki?

Section 3.11
- Why don't you use the correct extension for the turtle (.ttl) and prov-n (.provn) files that you link to?

I wonder if section 3.11 should be a Section 4. I find the capabilities of PROV to be really interesting and useful to know. A suggestion?

Section 4: Summary
Section 4.1 The Complete Example
Section 4.2 Capabilities of PROV

On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 6:36 PM, Miles, Simon <<>> wrote:

The primer is now staged and ready for review:

Please provide reviews by 4 April.

Simon and Yolanda

Dr Simon Miles
Senior Lecturer, Department of Informatics
Kings College London, WC2R 2LS, UK
+44 (0)20 7848 1166<tel:%2B44%20%280%2920%207848%201166>

Evolutionary Testing of Autonomous Software Agents:

Dr. Paul Groth (<>)
Assistant Professor
- Web & Media Group | Department of Computer Science
- The Network Institute
VU University Amsterdam

Received on Tuesday, 9 April 2013 16:18:11 UTC