Re: Provenance service discovery in PROV-AQ


Your capitalization of VoID is incorrect. It's a quite "of" :-)

I am uncomfortable with the phrase "and by extension the resources it contains" in:

"might indicate a provenance service providing information about that dataset, and by extension the resources it contains:"

since "void:Dataset 'containing' resources" is ill defined, and even if we stated void:inDataset, the provenance of the dataset is not necessarily the provenance of the resources that the dataset describes.


On Nov 20, 2012, at 9:09 AM, Graham Klyne <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I had an action (but no issue) to expand the discussion of provenance service discovery to take account of prov:hasProvenanceService.  I've done this, and added an example related to a VOiD dataset description.  Revised text is at:
> Feedback welcome.
> #g
> --

Received on Tuesday, 20 November 2012 18:38:59 UTC