Re: Update Connection TF

Yes this sounds great.  Do you want to use my telecon number or try Skype?


On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 10:05 AM,  <> wrote:
> Hello Kai and Eric.
> Monday next week would work for me if you would like to "meet".
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Kai Eckert" <>
> Sent: Monday, 6 February, 2012 6:42pm
> To: "Eric Stephan" <>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Update Connection TF
> Ok, maybe it was a little bit exaggerated to say we are on hold, that
> does not mean that we are not allowed to do anything ;-) It was more a
> confirmation that currently no concrete steps, especially regarding the
> organization of specific conference calls, are expected by the WG.
> The rationale behind that is that such a call should be properly
> announced to the connection group, involve the bridge person
> substantially and not least is an expenditure of time for the WG members
> and the participants of the connection group. Probably we can not do
> that more than once for each connection, so we should not waste that
> opportunity and be sure that we have the proper ground for fruitful
> discussions and significant results.
> But of course we can continue on our side in the preparation work and
> with our report, and any input of our connections is highly appreciated
> (and needed) for the WG work.
> As you pointed out, the extraction of patterns based on our personal
> work with connections where we are directly related to would be very useful.
> How about a TF call next Monday at 5 PM CET/11 AM EST, as usual?
> Cheers,
> Kai
> Am 06.02.2012 18:23, schrieb Eric Stephan:
>> Sounds reasonable about your approach with the Dublin Core vocabulary,
>> It would be useful if possible that your experiences and
>> methodologies are recorded in some fashion to help describe a pattern
>> for others to follow who also wish to map their vocabularies to PROV.
>> I don't entirely agree with the concept of the Connection Task Force
>> being on hold until the draft documents are stable enough, because
>> this perspective represents only one side of each "connection". The
>> other side of each connection is articulating provenance requirements
>> and practices. I 'm not advocating we meet frequently, but I would be
>> in support of maintaining our informal report. For instance my
>> connection work continues on my various research endeavors, but it
>> would be nice to have a means to share this with our working group.
>> Thoughts?
>> Eric
>> On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 7:32 AM, Kai Eckert
>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi Eric and all,
>>> I would like to give a short update regarding the Connection TF after
>>> our F2F meeting last week. As proposed in the telco of Oct 20th, 2011
>>> [1], we would organize special telcos with member of connection groups,
>>> like Creative Commons, to discuss our PROV model and work towards
>>> best-practice recommendations for these groups.
>>> However, as our model is still subject to change, we will not approach
>>> these external groups before we consider the model and the draft
>>> documents stable enough to allow a proper discussion and collaboration
>>> with
>>> these groups.
>>> Instead, we will first start with best-practice recommendations and
>>> outreach
>>> towards groups where we are directly connected via WG members, namely
>>> first
>>> and foremost Dublin Core (via me). I took the responsibility to launch a
>>> preliminary mapping between Dublin Core and PROV.
>>> The connection TF is on hold, until the WG declares the PROV model and
>>> the
>>> documents as ready, then we will continue with the outreach activities.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Kai
>>> [1]
>>> --
>>> Kai Eckert
>>> Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim
>>> Stellv. Leiter Abteilung Digitale Bibliotheksdienste
>>> Schloss Schneckhof West / 68131 Mannheim
>>> Tel. 0621/181-2946 Fax 0621/181-2918
> --
> Kai Eckert
> Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim
> Stellv. Leiter Abteilung Digitale Bibliotheksdienste
> Schloss Schneckhof West / 68131 Mannheim
> Tel. 0621/181-2946 Fax 0621/181-2918

Received on Monday, 6 February 2012 19:45:21 UTC