News ontology

Hello all,

Purely for interest, here's a summary of a ontology just published by
the Press Association for representing news. It bears similarities
with our own model, which I guess isn't surprising as it's also about
"what has happened". In particular, note that they divide the world
described by the news up into "stuff" and "events", with "agent" as a
subclass of the former, and that they have another part of the model
for "assets", which seem very similar to the "assertions about things"
I remember Jim McCusker in particular discussing.

I assume this will feed into the Semantic News W3C group. If you have
any comments, I'm happy to pass them on (and I know they'd welcome


Dr Simon Miles
Lecturer, Department of Informatics
Kings College London, WC2R 2LS, UK
+44 (0)20 7848 1166

Received on Friday, 9 September 2011 14:00:10 UTC