Re: PROV-ISSUE-161 (TLebo): Quotation: quoting agent should be done with Accounts [Data Model]

Hi Tim 
Why merge the quoter and the asserter? They may be different.

Professor Luc Moreau
Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
Southampton SO17 1BJ
United Kingdom

On 22 Nov 2011, at 19:55, "Provenance Working Group Issue Tracker" <> wrote:

> PROV-ISSUE-161 (TLebo): Quotation: quoting agent should be done with Accounts [Data Model]
> Raised by: Timothy Lebo
> On product: Data Model
> 6.6 Quotation Record
> ag2 below should be a person asserting an account, not as part of the record itself.
> Although the 4-ary wasQuoteOf is okay, I propose to change the constraint that fulfills it to use Accounts (which is TBD):
> If wasQuoteOf(e2,e1,ag2,ag1) holds for some identifiers e2, e1, ag2, ag1, then the following records hold:
> wasEventuallyDerivedDerivedFrom(e2,e1)
> wasAttributedTo(e2,ag2)
> wasAttributedTo(e1,ag1)
> background:
> [[
> wasQuoteOf(e2,e1,ag2,ag1):
>    contains an identifier e2, identifying an entity record that represents the quote;
>    contains an identifier e1, identifying an entity record representing what is being quoted;
>    may refer to an agent who is doing the quoting, identified by ag2;
>    may refer to the agent that is quoted, identified by ag1. 
> ]]

Received on Tuesday, 22 November 2011 20:42:13 UTC