from February 2014 by thread

AHF JobOptions for getting Area Tree practice innovation (Tuesday, 25 February)

DotNet Implementation für AHF 6.1 available practice innovation (Tuesday, 25 February)

Drew Hodge, Sarbbottam Bandyopadhyay, and Markus Wiedenmaier have joined the CG Tony Graham (Monday, 24 February)

What are the useful functions for accessing the area tree? Tony Graham (Monday, 24 February)

'pplcg' organisation on GitHub Tony Graham (Monday, 24 February)

Free to join, all welcome, at every level of expertise [via Print and Page Layout Community Group] Tony Graham (Monday, 24 February)

Roman Kagarlitsky, Michael Sulyaev, and Kevin Brown have joined the CG Tony Graham (Friday, 21 February)

Anybody here also on fop-user? Tony Graham (Thursday, 20 February)

Fwd: Add wiki pages for worked examples of sample documents? Kai Weber (Tuesday, 18 February)

Add wiki pages for worked examples of sample documents? Tony Graham (Monday, 17 February)

Add wiki pages for worked examples of sample documents? Tony Graham (Monday, 17 February)

Slides from PPL CG session at XML Prague 2014 Tony Graham (Sunday, 16 February)

[latinreq] Covering Liam's PPL Wiki Innovimax SARL (Friday, 14 February)

Re: Specs we could comment on Innovimax W3C (Friday, 14 February)

Position on further standardisation of XSL-FO? Tony Graham (Wednesday, 12 February)

Open letter to vendors? Tony Graham (Sunday, 9 February)

Other stylesheet languages? Other topics? Tony Graham (Sunday, 9 February)

Function libraries and other helpers? [Was: Does the Crystal Goblet apply?] Tony Graham (Sunday, 9 February)

Tutorials and examples [Was: Does the Crystal Goblet apply?] Tony Graham (Sunday, 9 February)

W3C Workshop on Annotations Tony Graham (Thursday, 6 February)

Re: XSLT help wanted [Was: FOPRunXSLTExt for Antenna House] Tony Graham (Monday, 3 February)

IRC - irc:// Tony Graham (Sunday, 2 February)

Candidate group description text [Was: Revise group description?] Tony Graham (Sunday, 2 February)

EXSLFO? Tony Graham (Sunday, 2 February)

Last message date: Friday, 28 February 2014 00:14:18 UTC