from August 2023 by subject

[admin] Meeting: 24th & 26th October 2023 -- Virtual (#17)

[admin] Meeting: 5th & 7th December 2023 -- Virtual (#18)

[docs-and-reports] Add cross-environment section to the areas of general agreement (#47)

[meetings] 2023 Meeting Schedule (#89)

[meetings] Agenda Open for TPAC Meeting (#142)

[meetings] Agenda Request - (#143)

[meetings] Agenda Request - Comparative analysis of measurement options (#144)

[meetings] Agenda Request - Discuss proposal to use Prio like architecture for advertising attribution (#143)

[patwg-charter] Add Motivation and Background section (#72)

[patwg-charter] External orgs in charter need to have specific groups listed as contact points (#69)

[patwg-charter] Mark single-implementation features "at risk" (#62)

[patwg-charter] Pull Request: Adding detail and sources to specification process for first proposal.

[patwg-charter] Pull Request: Recommendation process update

[private-measurement] Request for help on multiple TAG reviews on measurement APIs (#22)

[proposals] A proposal for privacy preserving ad attribution measurement using Prio-like architecture (#17)

[proposals] Draft Proposal: Request for Access - Luke Winstrom (#16)

Closed: [admin] Meeting: 18th & 20th July 2023 -- Virtual (#15)

Closed: [meetings] Forming July Agenda (#138)

Closed: [proposals] Draft Proposal: Request for Access - Luke Winstrom (#16)

Event Invitation: Private Advertising Technology CG Meeting

Last message date: Thursday, 31 August 2023 02:25:00 UTC