Re: A possible way of going forward with OWL-R unification (ISSUE-131)

From: "Michael Schneider" <>
Subject: RE: A possible way of going forward with OWL-R unification (ISSUE-131)
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2008 15:45:17 +0200

> Here is my opinion.
> For me, a crucial point is whether OWL-R, when applied in the "relaxed mode", 
> i.e. as a triple rule language on arbitrary RDF graphs, will produce *every* 
> RDFS entailment.

Is it even possible for any finite rule set to produce *every* RDFS
entailment?  Remember that there are an infinite number of RDFS axioms.


> Best regards,
> Michael


Received on Wednesday, 16 July 2008 15:32:00 UTC