Re: Names for top and bottom properties


I propose we go for the pragmatic solution, and just use the words we  
(as WG) already use to refer to these properties: topProperty and  

Although I really am all for 'pronouncable' property names (which I  
heard Alan advocate), I believe these only confuse matters in this  
case (as Bijan and Chris suggest).

Also, the possibleProperty does not cover the semantics of the top  
property, as the top property relates all individuals, not possibly,  
but actually.


On 30 apr 2008, at 00:42, Sandro Hawke wrote:
>>> Last week it was agreed in principle that we should add these
>>> properties, but we need to find suitable names for them.
>>> Suggestions in an email please!
>>> A hasSomethingOrNothingToDoWith B
>>> A doesOrDoesNotRelateTo B
>>> by construction neither of these can be false (assuming excluded
>>> middle)...
> Which makes me think:
>    A mayRelateTo B      (or mayBeRelatedTo)
> and
>    A possibleProperty B
>    A possibleAssociate B
>>> then the bottom would have to be
>>> A doesAndDoesNotRelateTo B
> which makes me think:
>    A mustNotRelateTo B
> and
>    A impossibleProperty B
>    A impossibleAssociate B
> I'm new to top/bottom, so forgive me if these say/mean the wrong  
> thing.
> I'm just brainstorming.
>       -- Sandro

Drs. Rinke Hoekstra

Email:    Skype:  rinkehoekstra
Phone: +31-20-5253499     Fax:   +31-20-5253495

Leibniz Center for Law,          Faculty of Law
University of Amsterdam,            PO Box 1030
1000 BA  Amsterdam,             The Netherlands

Received on Wednesday, 30 April 2008 09:17:36 UTC