timeline on ACTION-135 review rif-rdf-owl

I am close to having finished reading this, and will probably do so today.

I am unlikely to find the time to write up the review comments tomorrow, 
but will have time on Thursday.

There will be only a handful of OWL specific comments that might be 
worth WG attention. I will see if I can write those points up before the 
others ...

I am not competent to review section 3.1.1 on safeness, which references 
Boris's work ... (I did wonder if there was an incorrect negation in 
there, but it's beyond my expertise "in *if* that is not of the form 
..."  the 'not' surprised me).

There is also an editor's note at the end of that subsection which seems 
to be one that some participants in the OWL WG would be competent to 
answer (but not me!)

The deadline for comments is 15th May, so I think we will have time to 
make a WG response, if any, based on discussion next week rather than this.


Received on Tuesday, 29 April 2008 16:54:38 UTC