Re: ISSUE-108: Names for Profiles


For OWL R, what about OWL Rules, or OWL SR (for simple rules), or OWL RP 
(rules profile)?


Bijan Parsia wrote:
> On 28 Apr 2008, at 17:02, Ian Horrocks wrote:
>> OK - but can you suggest some other names?
> Not really. I personally can live with the current  names...I was just 
> trying to report the state of play as I understand it. Nameing these 
> suckers is damn hard, I'm finding.
> EL++     OWL-Ont
> DL Lite  OWL-Rel (for relational?)
> OWL-R  OWL-Rul
> These have the advantage of being somewhat consistent and 
> equi-repellent. The disadvantage is that they are very repellent :(
> I guess we could try single letters across the board:
> These all potentially scan:
>     OWLy
>     OWLed
>     OWLer
> But, that sucks too :(
> One could try modeling names on DLP:
> OWL EDL (for EL++ DL)
> OWL RDL (for relational DL)
> OWL DLP (for description logic programs)
> Or
>     EON (Existential ONtologies, conflicts with the EON workshop)
>     RON (Relational ONtolgoies, conflicts with people I know)
>     FON (Forwardchaingingrules/Full ONtologies, could be fun)
> Ok, I got *nothin*. Sorry. I can live with the current names, I guess.
> Cheers,
> Bijan.

Received on Monday, 28 April 2008 19:21:20 UTC