Scribing for teleconfs

Dear All,

It is becoming increasingly difficult to find scribes for the  
teleconfs -- this week, for example, we contacted at least 8 people  
from the scribes list but all either ignored the email or had some  
reason why they couldn't scribe.

Can I remind everyone that scribing is a very important part of your  
duty as working group participants, and that you should make an  
*extra* effort to attend (the whole of the) teleconf when it is your  
turn to scribe. Failure to do so means that other members of the WG  
end up doing your work -- if you look at [1] you will see how  
unevenly scribing duties have been distributed so far.

BTW, we are *still* looking for a scribe for this week.



Received on Monday, 28 April 2008 16:03:40 UTC