Re: feedback on Easy keys and universal property

On 25 Apr 2008, at 17:38, Rinke Hoekstra wrote:
> Hi Zhe,
> I personally found Markus' paper "All Elephants are bigger than all  
> Mice" [1] a pretty convincing use case. Also, his work on SROIQ- 
> Rules and ELP is based on the availability of the top role.

Yep, Alan Rector went on about this use case today at the Ontogenisis  
meeting. Crops up all the time in biology (and other areas).

I'll also add, again, that from a tool perspective, having symmetry  
between concepts and roles is useful. People will introduce a top  
property to have something to hang properties on. Also, having a top  
and a bottom property allows us to present certain key entailments  
(e.g., unsatisfiable properties).


Received on Friday, 25 April 2008 16:50:35 UTC