Re: First crack at profiles in primer (another comment)

On Apr 12, 2008, at 11:12 AM, Ivan Herman wrote:

> Bijan,
> an additional comment, related to what I wrote in my previous mail  
> on DL Lite vs OWL-R; I wonder whether a slightly different  
> organization would not help:
> - Intro
> - EL++
> - Some title here (simple profile or sg)
> 	- DL Lite
> 	- OWL-R
> - OWL 1 species
> What I mean is: I see quite a lot of things that are identical in  
> DL Lite and OWL-R, both in the possible users and in some of the  
> characteristic features. Factoring out those commonalities might be  
> helpful, and then we could have one section on DL Lite, emphasizing  
> its connection to the DB world, and OWL-R, emphasizing its rule  
> aspect.
> What do you think?

Seems reasonable. OTOH, perhaps we don't want to overstate the  

There's a sense in which what we write will go a fair bit of the way  
to *making* the respective communities have a certain flavor.

Scares me a bit :)


Received on Sunday, 13 April 2008 10:29:39 UTC