Re: links in Profiles and Primer are broken; please fix

From: Sandro Hawke <>
Subject: Re: links in Profiles and Primer are broken; please fix 
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 19:16:58 -0400


> > PS:  Why does the link checker think that it is a robot?  This doesn't
> > seem to make sense - it is performing work on a specific request from
> > me, after all.
> Yeah.  It's a VERY old peice of code, back when the idea of software
> fetching more than the page specifically named made people very
> nervous.  It's also so darn slow because it sleeps for a second between
> every web access, which is mildly ridiculous these days.
>    -- Sandro

Got source?  Fix it!  

I tried, but to compile it seems to want something that I don't have
access to.  Changing the 1s delay to 0.1s appeared to be easy.
Eradicating the robots junk appeared to be a bit non-trivial.


Received on Monday, 7 April 2008 23:38:49 UTC