metadata and last touches on the core

Hi all,


since we had a few emails about metadata and last touches to the model,
here's a resume of things agreed and things appended. Pls John revise:



1.       Agreed: The set of synsets in wordnet *is not* considered as an
ontology in the ontology-lexicon dualism. It is rather the semantic backbone
of a Lexicon.

a.       They are all mutually disjoint

b.      Manuel and me agree on the use of skos:ConceptScheme in order to
collect sets of LexicalConcepts, but explained that we need a metadata
element for it

c.       John proposes to subclass skos:ConceptScheme (AND void:Dataset) to
give this element a place in the core model, providing metadata too. Also a
property pointing to it (for LexicalLinksets and Conceptualizations) needs
to be named

                                                               i.      The
name proposed for the property by John is: conceptDataset, the name for the
subclass of skos:ConceptScheme/void:Dataset is ConceptualLexicon

d.      Manuel and Armando propose to make a distinction: 

ConceptualizedLexicon for a whole wordnet-like resource (lexical entries +
synsets + conceptualization). E.g. WordNet (as a whole) is a

LexicalConceptSet for the set of LexicalConcepts (which can subclass
skos:ConceptScheme and void:Dataset as a whole). Alternatively, keep it only
in the metadata and use just skos:ConceptScheme in the data

                                                            iii.      The
property in Conceptualizations and LexicalLinksets should point only to the
set of LexicalConcepts, thus can be conceptDataset as proposed by John (and
they are obviously LexicalConcepts)


2.       The lexicalization (called: LexicalizationSet), the ontology, the
lexicon and the (eventual) conceptualization are parts of an

a.       They are mutually disjoint

b.      A conceptualization is the set of links between LexicalEntries and
LexicalConcepts (e.g. the senses and related properties in WordNet
connecting words to synsets).

                                                               i.      This
linking is called Conceptualization in that, in resources such as WordNet,
it is the concepts that exist to give (a lexical) meaning to the words, and
not the contrary (as it is for an ontology and its lexicalization)


3.       Use of denotes/evokes: 
denotes refers to SKOS concepts or OWL entities, and evokes to

a.       :LexicalConcepts are also skos:Concepts, but for domain
skos:Concepts, denotes must be used.



We will address others in a next email.





Received on Wednesday, 14 January 2015 18:19:01 UTC