Friday telco

Dear all,

  I will not be available this Friday for our regular telco as I have to 
attend a final student project presentation between 14:00 and 16:00.

I have worked on the document and in particular on the variants section.

Thanks to whoever continued working on the examples (John I guess from 
the style of the lexicon code ;-)

In any case, there are a number of things to discuss on Friday that are 
not totally clear to me and seem worth discussing:

1) FormVariant: do we really need them explicitly as variants? We simply 
relate different forms of the same lexical entry which are anyway 
connected by the lexical entry, so this property seems quite superfluos

2) We have now lexical variants defined between lexical entries (see the 
FAO example), while terminological and semantic variants are defined at 
the sense level. I think it would be consequent to define all these 
variants at the sense level. For example, there are abbreviations (e.g. 
"SAH") that refer both to a gene ("S-adenosylhomocysteine") and two 
different diseases ("subarachnoid hemorrhage" as well as "sleep  
pnoea/hypopnoea"). While other lexical entries would only refer to a 
"gene", so only the reference of the appropriate senses is the same.

3) In the examples, someone has introduced the information that a 
certain variant is "obsolete" at the variation object. However, this 
information should also be attached to the sense object I think. Which 
property would we use for that?

4) Are then terminologicalvariants simply a subclass of lexicalvariants?

I will now send out information on the telco.




Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano

Phone: +49 521 106 12249
Fax: +49 521 106 12412

Forschungsbau Intelligente Systeme (FBIIS)
Raum 2.307
Universität Bielefeld
Inspiration 1
33619 Bielefeld

Received on Thursday, 6 February 2014 06:34:55 UTC