Re: telco tomorrow, 15:00 CET

Philipp et all,

here you find a few remarks about the current model, for the telco 
discussion this afternoon

1. Formal references to external models (e.g. inclusion) should be 
replaced by annotations \ comments
2. LexicalEntry should be abstract entities (type), i.e. lexicographic 
accounts of lexemes. As such, they should't be confused with concrete 
linguistic occurrences (tokens). Note that the derivation (which should be 
removed anyway) from Expression seems to be problematic under this 
3. LexicalSense (or Sense for short) are part of LexicalEntries, and can 
be related by lexical relations (e.g. synonymy) the one another. There's 
no need of linking LexicalConcepts (as collections of 'strict synonym' 
LexicalSenses, possibly singleton) directly to LexicalEntries. Anyway, it 
is questionable whether we need such a distinction, as well as a common 
superclass (Meaning) between the two classes. Maybe we could drop 
LexicalConcepts and Meaning, and link ontologies directly to 
4. LexicalConcepts (or LexicalSenses if we drop them) 'reference' 
ontological concepts (I would say that they 'commit to' them). If we want 
to account for this neatly, we need to link Concepts (Senses) to a 
'metaclass', i.e. the class of all ontology classes (e.g. owl:Class if we 
are in OWLand).
5. The role 'denotes' is just a composition of 'sense' and 'reference', 
maybe we can remove it from diagrams 

Sorry for being so short and maybe confused, hope to join the call later.

Guido Vetere
Manager, Center for Advanced Studies IBM Italia
Rome                                     Trento
Via Sciangai 53                       Via Sommarive 18
00144 Roma, Italy                   38123 Povo in Trento
+39 (0)6 59662137 

Mobile: +39 3357454658

Philipp Cimiano <> 
11/07/2013 21:36


Re: telco tomorrow, 15:00 CET

Sorry, I forgot the diagram with the exampe.



Am 11.07.13 21:33, schrieb Philipp Cimiano:
> Dear all,
> John sent around a link to the current version of the model early this 
> week:
> I attach an illustrative example to this mail that shows how the model 
> would put into action. Hope this helps.
> Tomorrow we will have our regular telco at 15:00 (CET).
> I will ask everyone on the telco to raise final issues with the model. 
> If there are no issues, we will then start the voting procedure 
> involving the whole list.
> Best regards,
> Philipp.

Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano
Semantic Computing Group
Excellence Cluster - Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
University of Bielefeld

Phone: +49 521 106 12249
Fax: +49 521 106 12412

Room H-127
Morgenbreede 39
33615 Bielefeld

[attachment "Example.pdf" deleted by Guido Vetere/Italy/IBM] 

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