- From: Aldo Gangemi <aldo.gangemi@cnr.it>
- Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2013 20:27:36 +0200
- To: John McCrae <jmccrae@cit-ec.uni-bielefeld.de>
- Cc: Aldo Gangemi <aldo.gangemi@cnr.it>, public-ontolex@w3.org
- Message-Id: <03E3CE99-C544-47B3-B5D7-19ABA82354A1@cnr.it>
Hi, John has made a nice summary of semiotics.owl, and some useful questions. John, thanks for the analysis :) Answers below. On Apr 16, 2013, at 6:45:53 PM , John McCrae <jmccrae@cit-ec.uni-bielefeld.de> wrote: > Hi Aldo, > > I was trying to synthesize the semiotics.owl ontology you sent around. I made some notes here > > http://greententacle.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de/~jmccrae/semiotics.owl.html > > I had some things I didn't fully understand > > Naming of 'reference', looking at the comments it seems to be what is (from my experience) called a 'referent' in the semiotics literature. In fact, more confusingly some authors seem to use reference for meaning. I think this has confused a lot of the OntoLex discussion as in lemon we use reference as the term for the meaning in the ontology. (Honestly this is a total accident, it was originally chosen to harmonize with LMF's 'monolingual external reference', used to cite external resources for senses). I opted for "reference" because "referent" typically bears a realistic flavor in philosphical debates. Besides that, no problem in using "referent", as in the Ogden-Richards version of the triangle. > > What is a manifestation, it has no annotations? Right, I should add it. A Manifestation is the material occurrence of an Expression, e.g. Dante's Comedy (Expression) can be manifested in an eBook or a paper book. The same term with similar meaning is used in FRBR vocabulary. > > The model has linguistic (speech?) acts, I was wondering if there were any practical examples of how to model a speech act I'll add it, and yes, it's an event (type). Example: "Talleyrand said "Si cela va sans dire, cela ira encore mieux en le disant" during the Vienna Congress in 1814." That is the report of a linguistic act (a declarative speech act that reports another, subtler speech act), which can be modeled as follows (in Turtle, and using a default namespace ":" for a domain ontology, full example at http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/example/talleyrandquotation.ttl): :lingAct_1 a :Quote . :Quote rdfs:subClassOf semiotics:LinguisticAct . :lingAct_1 situation:isSettingFor _:agent . _:agent a agentrole:Agent . _:agent :authorOf "http://dinoutoo.pagesperso-orange.fr/histo/tal1.htm"^^xsd:anyURI . :lingAct_1 situation:isSettingFor :lingAct_2 . :lingAct_2 a :Say . :Say rdfs:subClassOf semiotics:LinguisticAct . :lingAct_2 situation:isSettingFor :Talleyrand . :Talleyrand a agentrole:Agent . :lingAct_2 situation:isSettingFor _:time . _:time :inDate "06-10-1814"^^xsd:date . :lingAct_2 situation:isSettingFor _:sentence . _:sentence a semiotics:Expression . _:sentence ontolex:lexicalForm "Si cela va sans dire, cela ira encore mieux en le disant"^^xsd:string . :lingAct_2 situation:isSettingFor _:meaning . _:meaning a semiotics:Meaning . :lingAct_2 situation:isSettingFor _:reference . _:reference a semiotics:Reference . _:reference :partOf :CongressOfVienna . if we know more about that quotation, we might add something more about _:meaning: _:meaning semiotics:relatedMeaning :Clarity . :Clarity a semiotics:Meaning . _:meaning :modality :needed . :needed a :Modality . _:meaning :inContext :InternationalTreaty . :InternationalTreaty a dbpedia:Event . > > Some unreferenced elements: agent, hasComponent... what is their purpose exactly? Those are actually references, but in other - imported - patterns (agent role, situation, cpannotationschema) > > Regards, > John Aldo
Received on Tuesday, 16 April 2013 18:28:04 UTC