Fw: CALL FOR abstracts : Ontology and Lexicon: new insights @ TIA 2011

Hi all,=0ACan Anyone say Anything about this inside the group,=0Awhat we sh=
ould do? and what should we know?=0AIs this our group?=0AI see no comment a=
bout this inside the group?=0APlease help me to understand =0A???=0AOmar Is=
baitan=0A=0A----- Forwarded Message -----=0AFrom: Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles =
<aussenac@irit.fr>=0ATo: Philipp Cimiano <cimiano@cit-ec.uni-bielefeld.de>=
=0ACc: mtcarrasco@gmail.com; Wim Peters <w.peters@dcs.shef.ac.uk>; oisbaita=
n@yahoo.com; Elena Montiel Ponsoda <elemontiel@gmail.com>; Paul Buitelaar <=
paul.buitelaar@deri.org>; 'Thierry Declerck' <Thierry.Declerck@dfki.de>; Jo=
hn McCrae <jmccrae@cit-ec.uni-bielefeld.de>; thierry.poibeau@ens.fr; Susan =
Thomas <susan.marie.thomas@sap.com>; Guadalupe Aguado <lupe@fi.upm.es>; Ale=
ssandro Oltramari <aoltrama@andrew.cmu.edu>; Sebastian Hellmann <hellmann@i=
nformatik.uni-leipzig.de>; prevot@loa-cnr.it; bernard.vatant@mondeca.com; A=
ntoine Isaac <aisaac@few.vu.nl>; Michael Hausenblas <michael.hausenblas@der=
i.org>; collier@nii.ac.jp; hasida.k@aist.go.jp; menzo@windhouwer.nl; lauren=
t.romary@inria.fr; katariina.nyberg@iki.fi; Ivan Herman <ivan@w3.org>; c-mc=
fate@northwestern.edu; gil.francopoulo@wanadoo.fr; Anette Frank <frank@cl.u=
ni-heidelberg.de>; ide@cs.vassar.edu; nicoletta.calzolari@ilc.cnr.it; Felix=
..Sasaki@dfki.de; p.vossen@let.vu.nl; claire.nedellec@jouy.inra.fr;
 adeline.nazarenko@lipn.univ-paris13.fr; sean.bechhofer@manchester.ac.uk; j=
osef@computing.dcu.ie; monica.monachini@ilc.cnr.it; gerhard.budin@univie.ac=
..at; Daan Broeder <Daan.Broeder@mpi.nl>; swright@kent.edu; christian.chiarc=
os@web.de; Dimitra Anastasiou <dimitra@d-anastasiou.com>=0ASent: Tuesday, O=
ctober 11, 2011 11:03 AM=0ASubject: CALL FOR abstracts : Ontology and Lexic=
on: new insights @ TIA 2011=0A=0A=0A=0A*** could those of you who intend to=
 send an abstract give me at=0A      least a title and the speaker's name? =
***=0A*** registrations are now possible on line at=A0=0A      http://tia20=
11.crim.fr/Registration.html ***=0A=0A=0ACALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Ontology and L=
exicon: new insights=0A=0AAs part of the 9th International Conference on Te=
rminology and=0A      Artificial Intelligence (TIA 2011, http://tia2011.cri=
m.fr/)=0A      to be held in Paris on November 8-9-10th, 2011, the IRIT and=
=0A      CLLE-ERSS labs jointly with the W3C "ontology Lexica" community=0A=
      group=A0 ( http://www.w3.org/community/ontolex/=0A      ) organize a =
workshop dedicated to=0AOntology and Lexicon: new insights.=0A=0ADeadline f=
or submission:=A0 October 21st, 2011.=0AWorkshop date: Thursday, November 1=
0th, 2011=0A=0ALocation: INALCO, 65 rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris (Fr=
ance).=0A=A0=0A =0AOntologies and lexicons During the last ten years, a lar=
ge range of uses of ontologies, mainly user-interactive applications, acces=
s to document content, text analysis or information retrieval, have stresse=
d the strength of the connection between ontologies and natural language. F=
irstly, textual resources can be used for learning ontologies from text, or=
 at least to guide an interactive analysis of textual content to build onto=
logies. Secondly, ontology based semantic annotation and search, multilingu=
al access to information, are some of the key features of the Semantic Web.=
 One of the cornerstones then is to define the way in which knowledge model=
s can be connected with their linguistic formulations. In particular, vario=
us studies defined representations of the lexical entries that contain info=
rmation about how ontology elements (classes, properties, individuals etc.)=
 are realized in multiple languages.=0A=0AConsidered as a knowledge represe=
ntation, a lexicon gathers the=0A      linguistic properties of terms and t=
heir syntactic relations,=0A      whereas an ontology focus on a conceptual=
 model. So the interface=0A      between these two layers is regularly disc=
ussed, in particular=0A      thanks to the notions of Lexical Ontology and =
Termino-Ontological=0A      Resources (TOR). In both cases, the question is=
 how to articulate=0A      knowledge models and their linguistic formulatio=
n, which refers to=0A      lexical entries and to their insertion in the di=
scourse where they=0A      are used. Indeed, the text/lexicon is crucial bo=
th when acquiring=0A      knowledge and when using it.=0A=0A=0A =0ARelation=
s within TIA, OntoLex workshops and the W3C "ontology and lexica" community=
 group In this scope, the OntoLex workshops have been organized. They made =
it possible to define research issues about the definition of rich and rele=
vant models that can be used both to support linguistic processing based on=
 lexical entities, and to provide an efficient access to knowledge represen=
tations. One of the key questions is about the joint representation of ling=
uistic and conceptual information. These question turn out to be "which are=
 the features required to represent lexical and ontological entities? how c=
an these representation schemes be connected?" Possible answers are as dive=
rse as the applications that include these models, the underlying semantic =
theories or the hypotheses related to the dynamics of meaning and interpret=
ation.=0A=0AFollowing these workshops, the "Ontology Lexica" W3C community=
=0A      group was born this year. Among its goals are not only the=0A     =
 development of models for the representation of lexicons (and=0A      mach=
ine readable dictionaries) relative to ontologies, but also=0A      the col=
lection of best practices and experiment feed-back that=0A      demonstrate=
 the added-value of such representations. The mission=0A      and research =
focus of the group are listed here: =0Ahttp://www.w3.org/community/ontolex/=
=0A=0AThese research issues about ontologies and a lexicon are very=0A     =
 relevant for the TIA conference, that, up to now, has been=0A      promoti=
ng innovating works in terminology, questioning the=0A      positivist view=
 that freezes the representation of meaning and its=0A      interpretation.=
 The TIA conference questionned in particular the=0A      notion of termino=
logical and ontological ressource (TOR), which is=0A      close to represen=
tations like ontologies with a lexical component.=0A=0AEver since it was se=
t up 20 years ago, the TIA research group has=0A      challenged the positi=
vist dogma. By using NLP tools, its members=0A      have contributed to sha=
king the belief that there is a gap between=0A      scientific and ordinary=
 language. More generally, corpus analysis=0A      has weakened some certai=
nties related to term definition, in=0A      particular the term-concept ti=
e or the association of "concept"=0A      and "signifi=E9".=0A =0ATopics Th=
e talks to be given during this workshop can deal any of the following issu=
es:=0A- presentation of models and representations that combine=0A      ont=
ologies with lexical or terminological entities;=0A- use-cases that illustr=
ate the added-value of these=0A      representations inside software applic=
ations;=0A- notion of "knowledge rich context" and how it can be taken into=
=0A      account in knowledge representation;=0A- ability of these represen=
tations to improve linguistic analyses=0A      and language processing or a=
ccess to ontology entities;=0A- ability to use these representations to acc=
ount for polysemy,=0A      meaning change over time, or knowledge evolution=
..=0A=0AThe above questions do not form a closed list and any other=0A      =
proposal of questions or issues will be examined.=0A =0ASubmissions  A 2- o=
r 3-page summary (including a bibliography) must be sent before October 21s=
t, 2011 to aussenac@irit.fr=0ASummaries should follow the TIA 2011 conferen=
ce format. Please use=0A      one of the following style sheets:=0ALatex: t=
ia2011latex.tgz=0AMS Word: tia2011word.zip=0A=0A =0AOrganization "Ontology =
Lexica" group chairmen: Paul Buitelaar (DERI, Galway), Philipp Cimiano (CIT=
EC, University of Bielefeld)=0AWorkshop chairs: Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles (I=
RIT, Toulouse), Anne=0A      Condamines (CLLE-ERSS, Toulouse), Nathalie Her=
nandez (IRIT,=0A      Toulouse) and Bernard Rothenburger (IRIT,Toulouse) =
=0A-- =0ANathalie Aussenac-Gilles  IRIT - Equipe IC3=0AUniversite Paul Saba=
tier=0A118, route de Narbonne=09=09=09=0A31062 TOULOUSE Cedex 9 =09=09 http=
://www.irit.fr/%7ENathalie.Aussenac aussenac@irit.fr Tel : +33 5 61 55 82 9=
3 =09=09Fax : +33 5 61 55 62 58 =0A----------------------------------------=
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<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:18pt"><div><span>Hi all,</span></div><div style="font-family: times new roman, new york, times, serif; font-size: 18pt;"><div style="font-family: times new roman, new york, times, serif; font-size: 12pt;"><div id="yiv1538555790"><div><div style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: times new roman, new york, times, serif; font-size: 18pt; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><div><span>Can Anyone say Anything about this inside the group,</span></div><div><span>what we should do? and what should we know?</span></div><div><span>Is this our group?</span></div><div><span>I see no comment about this inside the group?</span></div><div><span>Please help me to understand </span></div><div><span>???</span></div><div><span>Omar Isbaitan</span></div><div><br></div><div style="font-family: times new roman, new york, times, serif; font-size:
 18pt;"><div style="font-family: times new roman, new york, times, serif; font-size: 12pt;"><font size="2" face="Arial">----- Forwarded Message -----<br><b><span style="font-weight: bold;">From:</span></b> Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles &lt;aussenac@irit.fr&gt;<br><b><span style="font-weight: bold;">To:</span></b> Philipp Cimiano
 &lt;cimiano@cit-ec.uni-bielefeld.de&gt;<br><b><span style="font-weight: bold;">Cc:</span></b> mtcarrasco@gmail.com; Wim Peters &lt;w.peters@dcs.shef.ac.uk&gt;; oisbaitan@yahoo.com; Elena Montiel Ponsoda &lt;elemontiel@gmail.com&gt;; Paul Buitelaar &lt;paul.buitelaar@deri.org&gt;; 'Thierry Declerck' &lt;Thierry.Declerck@dfki.de&gt;; John McCrae &lt;jmccrae@cit-ec.uni-bielefeld.de&gt;; thierry.poibeau@ens.fr; Susan Thomas &lt;susan.marie.thomas@sap.com&gt;; Guadalupe Aguado &lt;lupe@fi.upm.es&gt;; Alessandro Oltramari &lt;aoltrama@andrew.cmu.edu&gt;; Sebastian Hellmann &lt;hellmann@informatik.uni-leipzig.de&gt;; prevot@loa-cnr.it; bernard.vatant@mondeca.com; Antoine Isaac &lt;aisaac@few.vu.nl&gt;; Michael Hausenblas &lt;michael.hausenblas@deri.org&gt;; collier@nii.ac.jp; hasida.k@aist.go.jp; menzo@windhouwer.nl; laurent.romary@inria.fr; katariina.nyberg@iki.fi; Ivan Herman &lt;ivan@w3.org&gt;; c-mcfate@northwestern.edu; gil.francopoulo@wanadoo.fr; Anette
 Frank &lt;frank@cl.uni-heidelberg.de&gt;; ide@cs.vassar.edu; nicoletta.calzolari@ilc.cnr.it; Felix.Sasaki@dfki.de; p.vossen@let.vu.nl; claire.nedellec@jouy.inra.fr; adeline.nazarenko@lipn.univ-paris13.fr; sean.bechhofer@manchester.ac.uk; josef@computing.dcu.ie; monica.monachini@ilc.cnr.it; gerhard.budin@univie.ac.at; Daan Broeder &lt;Daan.Broeder@mpi.nl&gt;; swright@kent.edu; christian.chiarcos@web.de; Dimitra Anastasiou &lt;dimitra@d-anastasiou.com&gt;<br><b><span style="font-weight: bold;">Sent:</span></b> Tuesday, October 11, 2011 11:03 AM<br><b><span style="font-weight: bold;">Subject:</span></b> CALL FOR abstracts : Ontology and Lexicon: new insights @ TIA 2011<br></font><br>
<div id="yiv1538555790">


    <font face="Calibri"><br>
      *** could those of you who intend to send an abstract give me at
      least a title and the speaker's name? ***<br>
      *** registrations are now possible on line at&nbsp;
      http://tia2011.crim.fr/Registration.html ***<br>
      CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Ontology and Lexicon: new insights<br>
      As part of the 9th International Conference on Terminology and
      Artificial Intelligence (TIA 2011, http://tia2011.crim.fr/)
      to be held in Paris on November 8-9-10th, 2011, the IRIT and
      CLLE-ERSS labs jointly with the W3C "ontology Lexica" community
      group&nbsp; ( http://www.w3.org/community/ontolex/
      ) organize a workshop dedicated to<br>
      <b>Ontology and Lexicon: new insights.</b><br>
      Deadline for submission:&nbsp; October 21st, 2011.<br>
      <b>Workshop date: Thursday, November 10th, 2011<br>
      </b>Location: INALCO, 65 rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris
    <h4><font face="Calibri">Ontologies and lexicons</font></h4>
    <font face="Calibri">During the last ten years, a large range of
      uses of ontologies, mainly user-interactive applications, access
      to document content, text analysis or information retrieval, have
      stressed the strength of the connection between ontologies and
      natural language. Firstly, textual resources can be used for
      learning ontologies from text, or at least to guide an interactive
      analysis of textual content to build ontologies. Secondly,
      ontology based semantic annotation and search, multilingual access
      to information, are some of the key features of the Semantic Web.
      One of the cornerstones then is to define the way in which
      knowledge models can be connected with their linguistic
      formulations. In particular, various studies defined
      representations of the lexical entries that contain information
      about how ontology elements (classes, properties, individuals
      etc.) are realized in multiple languages.<br>
      Considered as a knowledge representation, a lexicon gathers the
      linguistic properties of terms and their syntactic relations,
      whereas an ontology focus on a conceptual model. So the interface
      between these two layers is regularly discussed, in particular
      thanks to the notions of Lexical Ontology and Termino-Ontological
      Resources (TOR). In both cases, the question is how to articulate
      knowledge models and their linguistic formulation, which refers to
      lexical entries and to their insertion in the discourse where they
      are used. Indeed, the text/lexicon is crucial both when acquiring
      knowledge and when using it.<br>
    <h4><font face="Calibri">Relations within TIA, OntoLex workshops and
        the W3C "ontology and lexica" community group</font></h4>
    <font face="Calibri">In this scope, the OntoLex workshops have been
      organized. They made it possible to define research issues about
      the definition of rich and relevant models that can be used both
      to support linguistic processing based on lexical entities, and to
      provide an efficient access to knowledge representations. One of
      the key questions is about the joint representation of linguistic
      and conceptual information. These question turn out to be "which
      are the features required to represent lexical and ontological
      entities? how can these representation schemes be connected?"
      Possible answers are as diverse as the applications that include
      these models, the underlying semantic theories or the hypotheses
      related to the dynamics of meaning and interpretation.<br>
      Following these workshops, the "Ontology Lexica" W3C community
      group was born this year. Among its goals are not only the
      development of models for the representation of lexicons (and
      machine readable dictionaries) relative to ontologies, but also
      the collection of best practices and experiment feed-back that
      demonstrate the added-value of such representations. The mission
      and research focus of the group are listed here: <br>
      <a class="yiv1538555790moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.w3.org/community/ontolex/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.w3.org/community/ontolex/</a><br>
      These research issues about ontologies and a lexicon are very
      relevant for the TIA conference, that, up to now, has been
      promoting innovating works in terminology, questioning the
      positivist view that freezes the representation of meaning and its
      interpretation. The TIA conference questionned in particular the
      notion of terminological and ontological ressource (TOR), which is
      close to representations like ontologies with a lexical component.<br>
      Ever since it was set up 20 years ago, the TIA research group has
      challenged the positivist dogma. By using NLP tools, its members
      have contributed to shaking the belief that there is a gap between
      scientific and ordinary language. More generally, corpus analysis
      has weakened some certainties related to term definition, in
      particular the term-concept tie or the association of "concept"
      and "signifié".<br>
    <h4><font face="Calibri">Topics</font></h4>
    <font face="Calibri">The talks to be given during this workshop can
      deal any of the following issues:<br>
      - presentation of models and representations that combine
      ontologies with lexical or terminological entities;<br>
      - use-cases that illustrate the added-value of these
      representations inside software applications;<br>
      - notion of "knowledge rich context" and how it can be taken into
      account in knowledge representation;<br>
      - ability of these representations to improve linguistic analyses
      and language processing or access to ontology entities;<br>
      - ability to use these representations to account for polysemy,
      meaning change over time, or knowledge evolution.<br>
      The above questions do not form a closed list and any other
      proposal of questions or issues will be examined.<br>
    <h4><font face="Calibri">Submissions </font></h4>
    <font face="Calibri">A 2- or 3-page summary (including a
      bibliography) must be sent before October 21st, 2011 to <a class="yiv1538555790moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:aussenac@irit.fr" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" ymailto="mailto:aussenac@irit.fr">aussenac@irit.fr</a><br>
      Summaries should follow the TIA 2011 conference format. Please use
      one of the following style sheets:<br>
      Latex: tia2011latex.tgz<br>
      MS Word: tia2011word.zip<br>
    <h4><font face="Calibri">Organization</font></h4>
    <font face="Calibri">"Ontology Lexica" group chairmen: Paul
      Buitelaar (DERI, Galway), Philipp Cimiano (CITEC, University of
      Workshop chairs: Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles (IRIT, Toulouse), Anne
      Condamines (CLLE-ERSS, Toulouse), Nathalie Hernandez (IRIT,
      Toulouse) and Bernard Rothenburger (IRIT,Toulouse)</font>
    <pre class="yiv1538555790moz-signature">-- 
Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles 

IRIT - Equipe IC3
Universite Paul Sabatier
118, route de Narbonne			
31062 TOULOUSE Cedex 9 		

http://www.irit.fr/%7ENathalie.Aussenac  	<a class="yiv1538555790moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:aussenac@irit.fr" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" ymailto="mailto:aussenac@irit.fr">aussenac@irit.fr</a>
Tel : +33 5 61 55 82 93 		Fax : +33 5 61 55 62 58 
----------------------------------------------------------------------- </pre>


Received on Wednesday, 12 October 2011 21:36:15 UTC