The challenges of HTML editing

Hi all,


Following today’s call where I asked how to edit the pages, I was told that most people just edit in github.


I’ve not found an amazing environment – but it is significantly better than that: Visual Studio Code


First - Create a target folder


Visual Studio Code setup:
Download Visual Studio Code -
Open VS Code
Download the WYSIWYG add on -
In the main page you will get an option “Clone Git Repository”
Enter -
It will ask you for that target folder
Once it downloads you will have the folder structure on the left panel
To open an HTML page for some basic WYSIWYG:
Right-click on the file and choose “Open With” – then choose “Designer”
You will get something like this – because the page doesn’t have a defined background 
So the following missing tags will need to be added to your page:
After </head>
<body style="background:white;">
At the bottom of the document these should be the last 2 lines



For some reason (I remember FrontPage from MS) HTML editing has devolved … so even this solution will need to be a mix of editing both HTML and on the WYSIWYG plug in. (And GIT seems to have a problem with html – as I’ve tried different ways and it keeps removing spaces from the original HTML file).


If anyone has a better solution – please share.




Joshua Cornejo


embed open standards 

across your supply chain


Received on Friday, 10 May 2024 12:16:45 UTC